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domingo, marzo 12, 2006


First off peak train home
people waiting
people rushing
desperate for the announcement
of the track to be
16, and the blinking green lights went on
hundreds of feet started moving
swarming over the hot station
no wonder no sits are left for some
...a man in a hawaiian shirt with an Ipod
listening to some reprograming stuff
nodding endlessly
everyone with a cell phone in their hands
calling out of plain boredom
or simply to be picked up two stations down
to get home to their kids
...a red haired girl eating multicololored salad
other... some McDonald chicken fingers
dipping them in the ready-made BBQ sauce
out of a tiny plastic recipient with a foil lid
Treos, Ipods, Newspapers with
yesterday´s news
tons of kipas all over
announcements and more announcements
of the station to come
I don´t even know where I am
but everything clears out now
I am closer to the nowhere I call home these days
just for now
Long Beach is arriving
not the train
the city is now closer and closer
and I resume my walk
towards the people I care for around here

BiG / Sept 05

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